Sponsor the Yatra

Why Branding

India is a land of varied cultures and customs where people of different faiths often come together to be a part of the colourful melange offered across its religious diversity. Among these, “Shree Ram’s”event has always witnessed pilgrims and devotees in huge numbers. Owing to his immense popularity, the “RAM CHARITRA MANAS YATRA” will witness a huge number of physical & digital footfalls.

This Yatra rejoicesin the beauty of diversity as individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life unite to take part in this sacred festival. This will magnetically attract millions of devotees and visitors from all corners of the world, forging a vibrant tapestry of community and belonging.

Brands at religious congregations go beyond the usual fight for the eyeballs. Congregations are also the meeting point of commerce.

Brands can get an opportunity to create a moment of experience around this occasion that goes beyond just product sampling, through unique product interventions. This will not only create a contextual product experience, but also make the consumers' Yatra experience more pleasant. We hope that this activity will create a strong emotional connect of brands amongst the consumers.

In addition, the participation of Brands in this Yatra goes beyond the usual search for eyeballs. congregations also bring down the cost per contact in rural marketing initiative. In the normal course of time, the audience is spread far and wide, but during the congregation, the audience converges to the same location effectively bringing down the cost per contactto extremely competitive levels.

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